
PWA Mobility is a new private company that focuses on creating products to help parents with a disability.  When the director of PWA Mobility and creator of the Care Station model spoke with her friend about how she felt being a parent with a disability, she had no idea what she would discover.

Parenting an active toddler, her friends physical disability affected how she connected with her daughter. Her friend, currently between a walking frame and her wheelchair was finding it difficult to cater to her child’s needs. More had to be done.


That conversation never went out of mind and our director set out to help her friend. She asked the simple question: Isn’t there a device out there to help Mums and Dads to assist with their children?

Realising there was no appropriate product allowing parents with a disability to interact with their child. PWA Mobility Pty Ltd was then established and Care Station.

PWA Mobility's motto is 'putting parenting in reach, this translates to every parent regardless of disability. Everyone should have the opportunity to parent. 

That is why PWA Mobility focuses on products to help parents that help parents overcome some of the challenges of caring for their child. 

PWA Mobility wouldn't be where we are without the support from Spinal Life Australia. Spinal Life have been on board since day one. They believe in the Care Station and its usefulness for parents with a disability to raise their child.



“This world-first device is a great support for people to be able to live independent, enjoyable and full lives.  The care station from PWA means the joy of caring for babies and infants will be more accessible to people with disability than ever before. We look forward to continuing our support with PWA mobility to bring this device to more people around the world.” 

Ross Duncan - Executive Manager Member Services, Spinal Life Australia



